PortBook Marine Services Directory was created for boaters by boaters and features businesses up and down the East Coast with special concentration of businesses in Annapolis, MD. PortBook is printed annually and distributed in Annapolis and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and includes comprehensive maps of ports, marine service listings, and visitor information. While the main focus of PortBook is marine services for sailors and powerboaters, we also feature restaurants, bars, and local attractions, because even the most serious boater goes ashore now and again, and what better recommendation can you have than that of another boater.
Started in 1981 by sailor Sandy Squire, PortBook is composed of businesses dedicated to providing marine and shoreside services for boaters and boat owners. In 2011, Sandy found a new calling, and entrusted the care of PortBook to Chesapeake Bay native Mary Ewenson. As a sailor, boater, and boat owner, she is particularly in tune with the resources you want while in your home port or visiting somewhere new.
PortBook is closely tied to SpinSheet, PropTalk, and FishTalk magazines, the sailing, powerboating, and fishing publications for the Chesapeake Bay. To learn where to find these publications or for any other information, give us a call at 410.216.9309.
Should you know of a business that we've not included, please let us know, and we'll reach out to them. We're always looking to make PortBook a better resource, so send us your suggestions. We'd love to hear them!